No. 287
700 6th Ave East
Rosetown, SK S0L 2V0
RM Office
8am-12pm & 1pm-4pm
Monday-Friday | Office Hours
Rosetown, SK S0L 2V0
RM Office
Monday-Friday | Office Hours
All members of Council are elected to office for a term of four years. Reeves are elected at large by all voters, and councillors are elected only by voters qualifying to vote in their division. Your property tax notice contains information about your voting division.
General Municipal Election dates are legislated by the Province of Saskatchewan. Municipal Elections are held every two years for Rural Municipalities; on an even-numbered year for councillors representing even-numbered divisions; and on an odd-numbered year for the reeve and councillors representing odd-numbered divisions. In 2020, municipal elections dates were moved to the 2nd Wednesday in November. However, should the 2nd Wednesday fall on Remembrance Day, elections will be held on the Monday prior.
The next General Municipal Election will be held on Wednesday November 13, 2024 for the offices of Reeve, Division 1, Division 3, and Division 5 Councillors
**A by-election may be called if a councillor or reeve position becomes vacant before the next election date.**
To be eligible to vote, in a RM election you must:
The purpose of the voter ID requirements is to maintain the integrity of local election processes. Your name and address must appear in some form on your voter identification documents. Bringing proper identification will ensure your voice is heard and will help your local election run as smoothly as possible.
Photo ID – Your BEST option to take to the polls
Acceptable photo identification is ID that is government-issued, valid and has your photo, name and address. If your identification does not meet these criteria, it will not be recognized as an acceptable form of photo identification.
Examples include:
You are eligible for nomination as a candidate for Municipal office if you are:
For more information regarding running for municipal council, voter eligibility, or any other municipal election questions please contact the municipal office.
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