No. 287
700 6th Ave East
Rosetown, SK S0L 2V0
RM Office
8am-12pm & 1pm-4pm
Monday-Friday | Office Hours
Rosetown, SK S0L 2V0
RM Office
Monday-Friday | Office Hours
As per the Municipal Hail Insurance Act, all agricultural land in Saskatchewan is insured against crop damage from hail and is subject to hail insurance premiums each year, unless the land is formally withdrawn from coverage (see below).
Hail insurance basic rates and crop surcharges are set by SMHI and premiums are calculated based on land location, acres seeded, crop type, desired coverage, and the desired indemnity. Premiums are collected alongside property taxes each year. Discounts are offered for early payments.
Agricultural landowners will receive a hail insurance package in May each year containing rate, surcharge, and coverage information, along with a Crop Report application form. Deadline to submit Crop Report Applications (blue and green copies) to the R.M. office is June 15th each year.
Coverage can be withdrawn by submitting a Withdrawal Form to SMHI, subject to approval by both the Municipal Hail Board and the R.M. of Council. Deadline to withdraw from coverage is March 31st each year. Please visit for more information.
Jill Palichuk is a licensed agent for the following additional hail insurance provider:
Additional Municipal Hail Ltd. (SMHI) Land does not have to be enrolled in SMHI to acquire Additional Municipal Hail, and coverage can be purchased for rented land. Please contact Jill at the office or at 306-882-2314 for more information.
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